Isaac Newton In the historical backdrop of Woolsthorpe, the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton, a novel cryptocurrency was born—APPLE Memecoin. The brainchild of this venture was a quirky group of crypto enthusiasts who drew inspiration from Newton's groundbreaking theories.
Because while the original Newton was all about that gravity life, discovering laws and whatnot, I’m all about chasing the highs and lows of the crypto world
Download Tonkeeper wallet from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to
Have TON in your wallet to switch to $APPLE. If you don’t have any TON, you can buy TON from an exchange like Kucoin and send it to on TON netowrk.
Google website. Connect your wallet. Paste the $APPLE token address into Uniswap and then confirm the swap. Then sign.
Ton Season is at its early stages. Just sit back and relax. The worst thing most people do, is they sell their bags early